DIY Projects.
DIY Projects and builds of tools, furniture and anything else we can think of.
Recent DIY Projecs
DIY Table saw | homemade circular saw based table saw
About the DIY table saw. Needing and wanting a table saw I knew right from the start I was gonna have to do a DIY
DIY crosscut station with circular saw
Purpose of a circular saw crosscut station I designed this DIY crosscut station as a prototype I can make use of and take notes on
DIY track saw cheap and easy
Making of the DIY track saw Finding myself in need of some straight cut wood in hurry, I was using some straight board to align
About DIY Faction
Hi my name is Eugene, building projects and working with my hands has always been a very keen interest of mine. This website will be about home made tools, furniture and other fun DIY projects that I would like to share with like minded people.
This website and my you tube channel is not my job or my income, it is my hobby. I work full time and enjoy building things in my spare time.
I love every step of the journey a build takes me on. From the initial idea and design to the building and using my creation. I want to build a group of like minded people, a faction if you will, to share DIY projects and ideas.